Friday, 10 May 2013

The God.

Hey. It's Dr. Malice. I don't really have anything interesting but like Nathan's strange conversation with Jack I had an interesting conversation with Unikeia regarding The God figure.

I was sitting beside Portnoy in her throne room when she glanced over at us.

Unikeia: Hey, Doctor Malice... What do you know about God?

Me: Um? Depends whether you mean the religious depiction of God, The Archangel or The Good deity figure Jack told us about?

Unikeia:  Well the first and last are effectively the same thing while the middle one is a corruption of the first but, the last one.

Me: Only that according to Jack it doesn't do much. It's true form is unknown and it apparently fails at everything it tries.

Unikeia: Well Jack would say that. He wouldn't want you to have any hope. What if I said I know more?

Me: I'd be curous but a little disbelieving since I'm confused as to how you could know more than Jack about something like that.

Unikeia waved her hand dismissively.

Unikeia: Like your good friend Muffin once said. Everyone knows something and you can learn anything if you ask the right questions to the right people.

Me: I don't think he said that exac-

Unikeia: -I'm paraphrasing! The point is I know something about God. I was thinking if I told you do you think you could get Muffin to sweeten the deal a little?

Me: Depends what would you want?

Unikeia: Can I keep Portnoy?

Me: I'm not sure Nathan would agree to that...

Unikeia: Of course I could also just make you let me keep him. I'm actually not sure why I bother bartering at all. Maybe I just find it more fun.

Me: Um... Yes?

Unikeia: You're so cute when you're confused.

Me: Could you maybe explain?

Unikeia: No it's not important instead let's talk about God.

Me: Oh ok.

Unikeia: The God is both one being and many.

Me: Huh?

Unikeia: It is one being split. A piece in every universe.

Me: Oh...

Unikeia: The God feared Jack and his rage and so it hid itself. Erasing its own memory consciously. The pieces don't know what they are on a conscious level and have no access to their powers. The unconscious however remembers. The unconscious can access it's powers in subtle ways to change what it feels it needs to. It's every move acting as a subtle stab to Jack's side.

Me: Interesting.

Unikeia: One being. The same being spread through every universe possibly with small changes. With powers it can't access except unconsciously or possibly with some form of catalyst that would allow it to remain hidden regardless. Maybe something else that exists in multiple universes at once...

Me: Are you trying to tell me something?

Unikeia smiled.

Unikeia: I took a chance and I'm fairly sure I made the right one.

Me: Er... What does that-

Unikeia: Maybe some day you'll figure it out.

I was ushered out of the throne room at this point so I went to patrol the grounds. I'm sure she was trying to tell me something but I'm not sure exactly what.

I feel like she's laughing at me...

1 comment:

  1. What if, crazy theory but bear with me here, the pieces are people, and she has been gathering them?

    And you're one of them?
